Sharing of leadership, management and mindfullness experiences
Many years of experiences, lived in different continents , working with multinational companies but also being a serial entrepreneur in different sectors with a mindful sense. That’s what I want to share with you.
Chakra #4: Leading through your emotions
The fourth chakra is in the heart region. It is the chakra of relationship, of the right to love, the right to forgiveness and understanding. It represents the emotions and love that we can give and is related to compassion.
Learn more about this to be an empathic leader with yourself and your environment
Chakra #3: Leading through your personal power and sense of humor
This is the chakra of personal power and the right to think. This is where self-confidence and a sense of humor develop. The correct functioning will make you feel sure of your ideas, that you feel that you can carry out everything that comes your way and transmit that to those around you.
Chakra #2: Leading through positive attitude
This is the chakra of feelings and the one that gives the right to feel. This is where creativity, pleasure and illusion reside.
Learn more about this chakra to keep it present in your work life and be a leader that everyone wants to remember!
Chakra #1: Leading through your security
The root chakra is synonymous with survival and security. Do those words sound familiar to you in your work life? In this post you will find a series of exercises to balance this chakra and bring out your best potential.
Leading better through your chakras
Why and what is a chakra? They not only play a crucial role for our body, our physical health and our mind, but also play an important role in leadership.
Mindful India
I had the pleasure of making my second visit to India, so in this post I will talk about my experience in this wonderful place that, thanks to its kindness and conscientious culture, made it a special place in my heart.
How to concentrate at work
Breathing is the foundation of everything and the workspace is no exception. That is why many companies are incorporating Mindfulness as part of wellness activities at work.
Smile to the stress and save the world
Taking care of the planet requires also taking care of ourselves. Lead by example, show compassion and emotion through your leadership practice, and for that, practicing mindful breathing will help you.
Compasion with our world metta meditation
Did you know about metta meditation? This type of Buddhist meditation will make us experience a positive change in our personal relationships and with the planet.
Sustainability Leaders in action at Expo 2020
Analyzing the Leadership perspective of the announcements set by Dubai Leaders at Expo 2020.
A leadership Expo-rience
Connecting minds, creating the future. Learn more about Expo Dubai 2020 where I had the pleasure of being as a participant and also an exhibitor.
Letting go and grow your happiness
Good intentions will not always help you grow in your work, instead pure intentions will help you develop your mind and soul.
Anger at work
Anger at work can not only harm our well-being but also our relationship with our colleagues or ruin our professional career. Therefore, it is better to work it daily with these simple steps.
Lost in thoughts at work
How much do you consciously participate in life and how much is just conditioned response? This mindfulness session at work will help you to focus in the present moment.
Make a smile to the most violent times at work
Difficult days at work with lot of compromise, meetings, problem solving issues, hits the creativity and the flow. This relaxing and mind session at work is for you.
9 Steps to be more mindful and enjoy your work
If you practice Mindfulness you will have a better performance when working plus, you will enjoy your job a lot more.
Meditation is not for hippies
Meditation is a natural process that provides a “release valve” for our emotions. An off switch for our incessant thinking and a way for our brains, using computer jargon, to defrag.
The Pilot Group
The Pilot Group is a key strategical element in the process of change. It is a quick way to see whether the proposed initiative will have success at a greater scale or not.
The Circle of Trust: How do you give trust to the people you work with?
To create a circle of trust it is important to listen to the others’ needs and be clear on your needs and your expectations, as well.