Meditation is not for hippies


If you ask my meditation and mindfulness master, Stephen Procter, what is meditation for him, he will define it like this:

“Several mental illnesses can be prevented in society if more people meditated. Meditation is not just something that hippies do nor is it for people on the fringes of society.”

If your mind is unfit and you don't take the time to develop your meditation skills properly, you will suffer the consequences... and so does everyone else around you.

An untrained mind is:

  • Always thinking,

  • Never quiet,

  • Easily disturbed through emotions that lead to friction in your lives.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a natural process that provides a “release valve” for our emotions. An off switch for our incessant thinking and a way for our brains, using computer jargon, to defrag.

Meditation helps with process of putting down the burdens of the day, allowing you to relax and to lose the stress of your daily life.

It removes the fear of the future and gives you an understanding, through first hand experience, of the functioning of life itself.

Meditation is an exercise: It is the exercise of the mind. And like any other exercise, it requires you to perform it regularly to build up your mental muscles. Meditation requires skill, just as a gymnast needs skill to walk on a beam so do meditators to develop the required skill to quieten their minds.

Why is meditation good?

A well trained and skilled mind thinks only when it is needed, it is not ruled by emotions, it does not experience stress, anxiety or depression. It is quiet, free from the noise you can create, still and clear, capable of deep caring, compassionate and joyful.

Your life will improve, it will feel smoother, less ups and downs, you will experience more happiness, your relationships will improve as will do your feelings of belonging in life itself.

It sounds a miracle but is really not.

All what was said above it is a reality about meditation. And if these knowledge were put into practice in your business life, it will change what you see and you will be able to interact with your collaborators and with the entire business at 360 degrees. It would be a whole new vision.

Meditation can change your life

People think that meditation is a waste of time, but it has lots of benefits. Personally, it has been more than 6 years since I started practicing meditation daily and I can tell you that it only brought me happiness and an easier way to interact with people and emotions, specially during very tough times. For example, like the ones we all have been facing the last couple of years due to the pandemic. Meditation helped me to focus and be more energetic. I started to be more gentle, compassionate and happier with the others and with myself. It gave me a great life feeling that I automatically and transparently share with others around, and that helped me to have a happier business life all around.

No matter what, the practice of meditation drives success in life, not only on the business side but at all levels.

How did I start meditating 6 years ago?

Easy. By doing a training with my master Stephen which taught me the skills of this discipline. As he mentioned, it requires daily practice and skills, so I did a training named M.B.S.R, which means Mindfulness-based stress reduction. This is an eight-week evidence-based program offering secular, intensive mindfulness training to assist people with stress, anxiety, depression and pain. It was created by an American doctor named John Kabat Zinn, the one that created Mindfulness for the occidental world.

Mindfulness training, is a practical approach which trains attention, allowing people to cultivate awareness and to have more choices. MBSR uses a combination of mindfulness meditation, body awareness, yoga and exploration of patterns of behavior, thinking, feeling and action. Mindfulness can be understood as the non-judgemental acceptance and “open-hearted” investigation of present moment experiences. MBSR training includes awareness of body sensations, internal mental states, thoughts, emotions, impulses and memories.

Today MBSR is done by skillfull certified teachers that have learned with John Kabat-Zin directly and is well spread around the world, so it is possible that is available in the country you are in your language as well.


Now I would like to hear from you.

Did you experience the benefits of the meditation in your business daily life? Let me know your thoughts and I will be happy to read through them.



9 Steps to be more mindful and enjoy your work


The Pilot Group