Chakra #3: Leading through your personal power and sense of humor

The third Manipura chakra, which means bright gem, is located between the navel and the solar plexus. Its color is yellow and it is related to the fire element.

It is a kind of control unit that controls the metabolic functions (through the pancreas and the liver) of food, but also of prana and presides over the metabolism of all external stimuli and emotions. It is related to action, will, vitality, which are expressed by the muscles.

It is the chakra of personal power and the right to think. This is where self-confidence and a sense of humor develop. The correct functioning will make you feel sure of your ideas, that you feel that you can go and carry out everything that comes your way and you will not be affected by external opinions.

Whoever has this chakra too open does things to impress others. This person feels superior to others and can fall into presumption. Whoever has this chakra too closed will present low self-esteem, insecurity and constantly seeks the approval of others, this person has a weak character.

This chakra in leadership

I always remember a leader that I met for a specific project that we wanted to do. It was quite a complicated one, where many areas of their company and ours were involved, from Product Development, Research, Operations to different countries and different markets, so the ambition at stake was quite high.

The CEO of the company we were dealing with, it was impressive how convinced he was and how he used his sense of positivity and humor to get us all involved in this journey. Not only did we meet the objectives of the project, but we also achieved very good results.

An example contrary to the one just mentioned would be, instead, never being happy and always serious, not inspiring the confidence of those around you.

It is best to be observant and if you feel this way, be aware that your chakra is then out of balance. It has nothing to do with the external world, remember, it is always about you and you are the only one who can solve it.

You know a lot of times someone is more into complaining mode, but they don't do anything. Well, this is the typical case where some work needs to be done.

Recommendation Section

Here I leave you the recommendation of a meditation that helps you balance your chakra. Try to do it repeatedly for a week or two, and the total duration of this meditation is around 20-30 minutes. Remember, you always need an initial 15 minutes at least to calm your mind first, especially if you don't have much practice at it.

First breathe, with each exhalation release all tension and connect with this moment.

Visualize bright yellow light like a sun, yellow like a sunflower.

As you breathe in, inhale the light through your nose and let the light enter your body.

Let the bright yellow light enter the area where the chakra is and gently exit there.

Tell yourself: "I am powerful, I am confident in my decisions, I am confident in my opinion, I have a high level of personal energy every day." See how it flows, how it moves through all the parts of your body in that area.

Hope you liked it.

You can share your reflections and experiences. I will be very happy to read them to you!


Chakra #4: Leading through your emotions


Chakra #2: Leading through positive attitude