Chakra #2: Leading through positive attitude

Located at the base of the genital organ in the area of ​​the sacral plexus. This is the chakra of feelings, it is the one that gives the right to feel, gives ability in social aspects and intimacy, this is where creativity, pleasure and illusion reside. Its associated element is water and the color is orange, it is also connected with the flexibility of fluid movement.

If you are balanced with this chakra, it will give you a balance in all areas of your life. That is, you will be able to enjoy and have a really happy life, you will be able to notice that you have a positive approach to life and through your ideas and dreams you can become creative by sharing your ideas with the people around you.

When you are not able to enjoy what is available in your life, you will feel restricted in the ability to feel, from sexuality to the creation of projects.

Those who have this chakra very close may fall into addictions, since this is the unbalanced and unrealistic way of seeking pleasure. Whoever has it very open is a person who cannot enjoy himself, will blame himself/herself and will be very hard on himself/herself, they will have difficulties in the economic and creative aspect.

The positive attitudes that a person can reflect are flexibility, ease of change, open mind and adaptability. The negatives are rigidity, superficiality and lack of confidence.

This chakra in leadership

The leaders I have met and observed during my career who were well balanced in this chakra were leaders with a positive enthusiasm. Always proposing new things, starting with a big YES to each proposal and creating the new on top of the old. They are leaders who are not afraid of change, who are aware that the water has to flow. Those are what I call the happy leaders, the people you talk to and feel highly motivated and committed to.

On the contrary, speaking some time ago with a CEO of a multinational company, he was telling me the sad story of a change process that he undertook but that simply did not work, because he underestimated the ease of change of some key members of the team in some countries before. of the implementation. Negativity, lack of ideas, resistance to change were the attitudes that I found the most.

Workaholism, or workaholism, is a common way of looking at chakra imbalance, and it is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. It becomes a pathological behavior of a person too dedicated to work and that puts their social and family life in danger. There are antecedents in which they can cause physical and physiological harm to themselves, their spouse and children. Many times, it is very possible to see people in leadership positions in start-ups or family business owners falling into this problem. I hope you never reach this extreme, in that case, consult a specialist for help.

Recommendation Section

To work on the balance of your chakra, as I mentioned in the previous post, the most important thing is that you are aware that the chakra is present in each one of us and that certain attitudes are a reflection of the state of your balance.

If you feel that you are one of these cases that I mentioned before or you recognize that you need a little balance, my suggestion is that you practice this small but effective mediation.

After you have already done your first 15-20 minute portion of concentration, as I have explained in previous posts, visualize a bright orange light outside of you.

With your breath take it in and let this bright orange light fill and illuminate your entire body from the inside and place that light especially in the area of ​​this chakra, keep it there carefully. See how it flows, how it moves through all the parts of your body in that area.

Try to maintain this concentration for another 15-20 minutes. If you can repeat this meditation daily for a period of time, you will begin to feel the benefits of having this chakra aligned.

Hope you like it! Remember that through very small changes, we can change our daily routine permanently.

In the next week we will continue to look at the next chakra so stay tuned.

As always, I would love to read your comments, reflections or your own experiences to generate a space for exchange and learn from you.


Chakra #3: Leading through your personal power and sense of humor


Chakra #1: Leading through your security