Letting go and grow your happiness

I am reading these days a nice book that I would like to recommend: Thinking like a monk, by Jay Shetty. He is an English author, former Hindu monk, and life coach of Indian descent. I like it because he really writes with a practical way of looking at life, with good explanations of who we are and what we do and how to be better for ourselves and to be able to help anyone at any time. He talks about intentions, so I'll reflect on that.

There are different ways to carry out an intention. There is the intention of something whose ultimate goal is to get something back, for example, when you are doing something to someone to get something in return.

Sometimes it is quite natural and in many cultures it is the learning that children receive. Mom says if you do this she will give it back to you, or in the work environment when you do something to a colleague hoping he or she will do it again. It might or might not be something of value, but you are expecting something from what you have been doing. Sometimes these intentions are of good nature and other times they have such a negative purpose that even when what you were hoping for in return comes, it only brings negative energy with it.

Letting go the thought of expecting something in return

Instead, pure intentions are those that are made and executed without a returning thought. Can we give an example of this? parents raising their children, people volunteering, a nurse working overtime to care for their patients, parents working overtime to bring more food to the table.

These kinds of pure intentions are what really drive happiness. How many times do we see people who seem to have everything they want but are not happy? And the question to ask is whether their intentions ultimately help fuel their happiness. For example: a famous millionaire actor has been driven by real art in acting or by his ego and the money?

Genuine intentions radiate over people and if your intentions are true you will support your team and your colleagues, business partners, people and the planet to achieve the success of their desires, leaving aside what you will get in return. Trust that this will bring happiness to you and the rest!



Do you feel identified with some of the situations presented? Did you know the difference between good intentions and genuine intentions?

Please let me know below and I will be happy to read your comments.





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