Compasion with our world metta meditation

With our world and climate change moving fast, many countries and many leaders are doing things and announcing initiatives to reduce Co2 emissions, reduce Global Warming, increase energy efficiency, reduce waste, clean the oceans from plastics, reduce the emissions of sulfurs to the atmosphere, reduce the extinction of animals and forest and so many more areas.

But, do you feel you are really doing something? well maybe yes, you are involved in a kind of Green Association or working like me for a company that is really committed to accelerate the success of the planet, or you are a stand-alone activist moving everything possible to do things and to get compassion for the human beings and for the animals and vegetables, so for every type of life of this earth. But, it also can be that you are simply an observer of the situation, so here , independently where you are I will propose these few steps to meditate with true compassion for us and for our planet. This meditation is called Metta Meditation, and its origins can be found in Buddhism.

What’s Metta meditation?

It is a type of Buddhist meditation. In Pali — a language that's closely related to Sanskrit and spoken in northern India — “metta” means positive energy and kindness toward others. The practice is also known as loving-kindness meditation.

But to avoid entering into the philosophical side of who started and who practice it, I can tell you that I have practiced this meditation lots of time, for different reasons, but the benefit of it, is that you practice the compassion and once practice you become a more compassionate being towards yourself, towards others and the planet, so if you want to do something good for you and for the planet.

Let’s practice this meditation following these steps:

 Seat in a comfortable position still straight but not tight, it can be in a chair or on the floor.

  1. Close your eyes and put the tongue in your upper palate or paladar.

  2. Feel your body and make 3 deep breaths from the nose, counting till 4 for the inhalation and 8 for the exhalation.

  3. Observe your breathing normally.

  4. You will repeat this phrase all the time in your mind. When you breathe in, you will say "may I be well", and when you breathe out you will say in your mind "may I be safe and free from suffering”. These phrases  will be the same you will repeat mentally during the next steps. Is important you do not concentrate on the phrase itself but on what the repetition means to your body.

  5. Start by desiring good for yourself, as many times as you wish, this is for you to get positive energy and stronger and later on being able to give back.

  6. Continue by visualizing a person that you love a lot, see the face and repeat in your mind "May you be well, may you be safe and free from suffering", repeat this as much as you want.

  7. Next is to visualize a person that is not very important to you, is just one more person that is there, and you will repeat the same while visualizing the face, "may you be well, may you be safe and free from suffering".

  8. Now, you will visualize the face of a person from which you have difficulties in the relationship, could be  a colleague, a friend, a boss, and you will repeat in your mind again "may you be well, may you be safe and free from suffering" and repeat it as many times as you want.

  9. Finally, you will visualize the planet, with all its oceans, with its animal and vegetable life, with all the people and you will repeat to the planet, "may all beings in this planet be well, may all beings be safe and free from suffering", and again repeat this as many times as you want.


A good Metta Meditation can go up to 45 minutes, but depending on each other, it is important that you concentrate on the faces you are bringing to your mind and in the planet itself, and try to feel what your body is feeling with each step.

With the continuous practice of this meditation you will experience a change in approaching the relationships in your life and with the planet. If you do just these simple steps and many people do it, then we might help a bit.


Smile to the stress and save the world


Sustainability Leaders in action at Expo 2020