Make a smile to the most violent times at work

Difficult days at work

With the increase of the velocity and capacity of the semiconductors, our life’s and specially at work had changed and will continue to as far as they will continue to develop. More velocity, means more information flowing, faster from different sources and platforms at the same time. Someone mentioned that this is the most violent times at work for the human kind.
Many times many people specially nowadays that the activities in the office has been resumed from the Pandemic have an increase of workload and preoccupations that covers them the whole day at work.

Many emails, phone calls, different chat platforms, and messages over the phone, some becoming also a need for work while before it was only for the free time take us to be connected full time now and these drive that the day is absorb mainly in operational talks, discussion and reading or writing chats and messages of every kind. Been in this
situation is not only non efficient but specially stressful

What? you didn’t had the impression that your workday was not so efficient? that you worked many hours and when you finish you asked yourself ‘what I have done today and why I’m so exhausted?’ As you cannot drive your car all the time at 180 km/hr, also our mind needs to stop and relax a bit, and come back to the present moment.

That is the place where innovation and creative thinking flourish, where good and positive attitude towards our colleagues are happening, where compassion for others like our own people and customers and planet goes on, where equal and gentle treatment is developed.
If the whole day the mind is only working and working then the other positive situations will not happened.

How can we solve this?

This is very simple: just relax for 5 minutes in your own place or find a place where you can take this very simple steps.

1. Sit in a comfortable position, if possible in your chair or in the floor with the back straight but relaxed at the same time.
2. Close your eyes and observe the panorama of your mind. If it is agitated and closing your eyes is a bit challenging, you can just wait observing.
3. Inhale deeply from the nose. Count till 3 and exhale through the nose and then count till 6. Mind counting will help you to focus in your breath. While exhale let the stress go. Repeat this 3 to 4 times.
4. Breath normal.
5. Observe the panorama of your mind. Has changed?
6. While you keep your eyes close draw a smile from the inside of your mouth and observe it. This is your most deep smile for you and for the world.
7. Do this for 5 minutes only, and whenever your mind shift to a though, just let it go pass and come back to your smile. More times this will happened more mindful you will become, and your mind will relax
8. Slowly open back your eyes, and observe again.

Working with a peaceful heart

These are just 8 steps in 5 minutes for free. Incorporating this habit will help you to be a happier person, gentle, flexible and creative while you are working so it also will have an impact to your closer circle.


If you want to share your own experiences with me, you can write in the comments below and I will be glad to read them.


Lost in thoughts at work


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