Chakra #1: Leading through your security

It is physically located in the perineum, at the base of the spine. It is the Chakra of survival, that of the right to exist (eat, sleep, exercise, recover from illnesses, feel safe, win).

Life on earth begins by understanding that here we are with our feet on the ground as a tree has its own roots. This chakra is our connection with mother earth, it is also connected with the ability to fend for oneself which is synonymous with survival and security. Its associated element is earth and the color is red.

Those who have this chakra more open, have too much energy but without a specific direction. Always accelerated and stressed, thinking mainly about the material side. They tend to get stuck or obsessed with possession, they can't see much beyond the physical side.

Those who have this more closed chakra are lacking in energy and vitality, they are afraid of the future and, in general, lack security, they are rigid and intolerant and can also become aggressive.

As you can see, not being in balance is not a good thing because it will take you to the edge of some characteristics such as rigidity, intolerance, aggressiveness, excessive stress or carelessness.

These things will not only harm you but also the people around you. Health for survival are signs that this Chakra is not in balance.

This chakra in leadership

During my career I have come up against many leaders who had this chakra out of balance. They became aggressive when expressing things to their subordinates and teams.

A leader who easily gets angry and shows it publicly is one who definitely has an unbalanced Muladhara. These are the kind of leaders you'd like not to remember!

Likewise, people who cling to the possession of some knowledge acquired with their experience makes them think that they have a more relevant position but it is not a good leadership practice.

We call this the possession of the chair, where the space is not given up to let the flow move forward and work towards the selection of good successors.

Once celebrating the 25 years of seniority of some colleagues in one of the companies in my charge, I asked them who their most memorable leader was and they all answered that those who taught them something to be better in their career. You see, sharing is a good leadership practice and a way to observe your Muladhara chakra in balance.

The correct balance of energy level is also a sign that this chakra is somehow in the correct position. Whereas when you meet this person who is always non-stop excited, not listening too much, or the other version, that person you don't understand. Why is he so low on energy and not willing to do much? it's like underachieving because it never gets to finish what it's supposed to deliver, or it's just not engaged, then again the Muladhara chakra is not in balance.

Many of these characteristics are also visible during the recruitment processes where through different analyzes we can observe how the balance of this chakra is.

Recommendation Section

There are many ways to balance this chakra. For example: through yoga and breathing practices, chanting, sound healing, meditation, etc. but the most powerful is to be aware more time during the day that we have this energy center in our body and that is to act through your personality and behaviors depending on how balanced it is.

Then there is a little meditation that I will recommend that you do when you are formally meditating.

After going through the first 15 or 20 minutes of fixing your mind, with your eyes closed, breathing as we have been practicing throughout the previous posts, or just your way, visualize a bright red light entering your body.

Through the breath let the light illuminate your entire body from within and at the level of the chakra position let the bright red light rest there for a while gently illuminating the area.

Try to focus there for as long as you feel comfortable, recommending 15-20 minutes at a time.

I hope you liked it and it was useful to apply both in personal and work life.

Keep in mind that this is just the beginning since in the next posts I will be developing all the chakras so stay tuned!

I would love for you to tell me what you think about it, if you knew about this topic, if you feel identified with any of the points or any type of experience you want to share.


Chakra #2: Leading through positive attitude


Leading better through your chakras