Chakra #4: Leading through your emotions

The fourth Chakra Anahata, which means unaffected, is in the heart region. Meeting point between the three most physical and mental chakras. Its color is emerald green and it is connected to the air element.

It presides over everything that has to do with relationships with others: lungs, heart, thyme, arms and hands.

It is the chakra of relationship, of the right to love, the right to forgiveness and understanding. It represents the emotions and love that we can give and is related to compassion.

The change to balance this chakra is very simple: love more, respect, give, help more, do not claim but give.

Those who have this chakra very open can fall into unconditional love, they do not understand that love is not suffering and sometimes they can fall into aggression.

Those who have this chakra very close to them feel that they do not deserve love, they do not give or receive love, they normally close in on themselves.

This chakra in leadership

There are so many ways to show compassion, and many leaders are good, not only in daily activities, but many of them are carrying out and concretizing great actions and activities to lovingly support those who need it most. I remember visiting one day in Italy a company that produces industrial submersible water pumps, pumps that are used deep underground to extract drinking water, and the owner of about 70 years, founder of the company received me very well.

He was such a nice and gentle person, so full of energy and compassion, but not only because of the company he created and the products he was producing, but his eyes sparkled when he explained the company to me. He gave me a book showing all the pumps he was installing for free in some villages in Africa to pump water to areas that had no water. There you could see the photos of the mothers and children with a big smile for the fact of seeing drinking water for the first time, reflected on their faces.

Leaders with the proper balance of this chakra are very respectful of others, they are the ones who have a great sense of empathy, they practice it daily. Is it the difference of a leader who easily makes you feel comfortable staying home when you call them saying you are sick, even if it is a problem for them?

You show love and respect when you are listening, and here I observe as the main lack of these times, the lack of listening with the heart to the needs of others and then the leaders approach their own way of thinking. This is one of the main reasons why people leave their jobs, it is not because of the companies, but rather because of their leaders, and among the main reasons when we dig deeper is that the individual felt not heard.

Recommendation Section

So if you are suffering from or practicing this wrong leadership behavior, think about your chakra balance and take some steps to try to rebalance it. Here I give you a short meditation as a recommendation, but as I mentioned before there are many ways to balance your chakras. This one in particular is very important, it is the one in the middle between the most physical and the most spiritual chakras, it is a bridge, a connection between them.

As I mentioned in previous posts, there are many ways to balance your chakra, but one powerful way to do this is through a short 25-30 minute meditation, which is best done every day for a week or two, and using the power of words, repeat this phrase that I leave you here or any that you like to create your own to your mind, so that your subconscious can train.

First inhale, exhale, with each breath relax more and more. With each exhalation release the tensions, physical and psychological.

Visualize a bright green light, like the green of a tree in front of you. On your next inhalation, let the light enter you through your nose. Let the bright green light settle in the heart, kindly live there and watch the whole area from within. Let the light reach your whole body.

Repeat, to your mind: “I am love, I am unconditional love, I give and receive love. My relationships are beautiful and elevated, today I decide to forgive”.

Stay with yours, focus on the heart area and your bright green light and every time your mind wonders, gently turn to the light.

I hope you liked it and it was useful to apply both in personal and work life.

I would love for you to tell me what you think about it, if you knew about this topic, if you feel identified with any of the points or any type of experience you want to share.


Chakra #5: Leading through the communication


Chakra #3: Leading through your personal power and sense of humor