Transformational change agents

In a change process, the figure of the leader has a relevant role in the performance or management to be fulfilled by a group of people with a common objective. It should be noted that a leader with people in charge does not necessarily have to be the one to lead in this case, since there are also change agents.

These are innate leaders who, although by role they do not have people in charge, have a "earned" voice within the organization and generate conversations between areas. A change agent, or changemaker, is that person within a company who is responsible for proactively promoting change and transformation efforts in the company.

In this way, one of the main functions of a change agent is to manage the transformation and accompany the rest of the team in the process, so that it is successful and not a traumatic experience. This is achieved through the management, stimulation, motivation and guidance of their colleagues.

When implementing the existing phases of change, attitudes are presented that can be both positive and negative; if the attitude is positive, it supports the change, showing adaptation, flexibility, identification and rapid integration of the members of the organization to the change process. If, on the contrary, the attitude is negative, the members act in opposition and there is resistance to change, a situation that can occur due to being used to the way in which the processes are being carried out, fear of unknown situations, compliance with the rules , the need to maintain a predictable environment, and the attachment to what has been elaborated by the individual himself, not wanting his effort to be underestimated when implementing a change.

The main objective is to transform the mentality of the team, making them expand their vision and their possibilities; allowing in this way that the behavior is consistent with their beliefs and that they feel motivated so that the changes they make are carried out permanently.

What properties characterize a change agent?

Flexibility: It has the ability to react to unforeseen events that arise during the process.

Patience: Leading a change requires patience because this does not happen overnight. It's a race to the bottom.

Trust and security: You need the trust of other team members, as well as a belief in yourself to convey that trust.

Communication: You must convey the message clearly, in addition to having communication skills to establish a two-way communication with the staff.

In my own experience, I have seen and had the opportunity to work with several change agents who have excelled tremendously in this role. Proposing and developing innovative ideas, who with their natural leadership have developed their professional careers growing within the company, ascending to positions beyond what is imaginable after having led change proposals.

In short, identifying and selecting the right change agent for a company requires an understanding of your company's needs and goals, as well as careful research of potential candidates. With the right change agent on board, a company will be better prepared to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities for change. Have you ever been a change agent either in the workplace or why not, personally? What other attributes do you consider of great importance for a driver of change?

I would love to read your reflection in the comments if you liked the post.


Transformation is one step ahead of change


Driver of the uncertain