Chakra #7: Leading through your knowledge

The seventh center that completes and in a certain sense transcends the series of six centers of the subtle physiology of Tantric Yoga: it is the Sahasrara-chakra (thousand-spoked wheel), also called brahma-sthana (seat of Brahman), brahma-randhra (Brahman cavity), nirvana-chakra (C. de nirvana) or sahasrara-padma (thousand-petalled lotus).

It is represented as an inverted lotus located on the head, with a thousand violet petals (because this center is beyond the world of shapes and colors).

This chakra represents so many stages in the rise of Kundalini, the vital energy, it is the chakra of knowledge, the right to know, enlightenment and connection with divinity. This is where we connect with the higher mind and where concentration on dreams, visions, inventions, and uninformed wisdom develops.

If this chakra is not well balanced, it can lead to depression, brain fog, learning disabilities, apathy, and denial of life.

This chakra in leadership

For a leader to have this Chakra in balance is very important. It is essential that the Leaders can be seen as someone of certain wisdom in the area they are active. But beware that too much knowledge could lead to a lack of social knowledge.

The interaction or combination of knowledge with an unbalanced Root Chakra could lead to a Leader who believes their knowledge is their property rather than everyone's, and their role is to share that knowledge rather than keep it just for themselves.

There are Leaders in human history who have special wisdom that they share with us. A great example is the Dalai Lama, a spiritual leader who has a special wisdom of day-to-day knowledge connected to the spiritual world and is someone who shares his knowledge all the time for the benefit of others.

Recommendation Section

If you think or notice that your chakra is not well balanced, you can use this meditation practice to work on it. As I mentioned in the introduction to this series on understanding the chakras for a better leadership style, balancing the chakras can only be done by you, so here is a recommended meditation for you, in total ideally a meditation between 20 to 30 minutes, but you can adapt to what suits you best.

First inhale and exhale deeply. With each exhalation try to relax more and more, with each exhalation you release any tension, mental, physical or emotional. Connect with your breath.

Visualize a bright violet Light in front of you and watch as this light enters your body with the next inhalation. Place this bright violet light at the base of your head gently and see how this light gives you spiritual connection, awareness and enlightenment.

The light remains soft as it spreads throughout your body, and repeat these words: "I am infinite, I am an infinite source of light and love. I am the violet spark, I am full consciousness."

Come back to your breath and stay there. If thoughts and worries come to your head, return to the sensation of the breath. Stay there for 15 minutes and to finish slowly and gently, feel the sensations in your body and listen to the sounds outside. Say thanks for the precious moment and gently open your eyes, taking in the place where you are.

If you would like, please let me know what your experience or story was around this chakra as a leader.

I hope you've enjoyed all of these chapters on how to lead better through your chakras! You can write any comment here on my blog.


Leading better through your chakras II


Chakra #6: Leading through your intuition