Leading better through your chakras II

These last weeks we have been getting to know and learning about the chakras. If you haven't read yet, I invite you to look for my previous posts ordered by their corresponding numbers.

Even so, I would like to review the entire set of chakras, since although each one has its respective characteristics, the reality is that they work together. In fact, chakra means "wheel" and refers to the energy points of your body. This refers to the seven energy centers within our inner being that connect mind, body and spirit.

This ancient and interesting Eastern philosophy works as a great tool to keep thoughts and actions aligned with an expected state of mind. We can apply it both in everyday life and in key aspects of life, including our professional role and responsibilities. These attributes can be developed or enhanced with self-awareness and focus.

As part of my own evolution as a leader and having a passion to understand the inner self, I have tried to apply leadership attributes to the associated chakra themes to find what works best for me to achieve that balance and it is my pleasure to share it with you. 

These seven leadership chakras can help guide us to focus on the key elements and how to keep them working in harmony, so that we can exude and demonstrate the desirable traits expected of an effective leader. 

Muladhara / the Root chakra – Security

A stable leader is one who generates trust, consistency, with a calm temperament, as well as a solid influence. These qualities increase the ability to build a high performance team. Therefore, stability is essential to put people at ease and inspire them to do their best.

Svadhishthana / the Sacral Chakra – Creativity

Creative leadership accepts change as a given, while looking for opportunities everywhere. Creative thinking helps to open the mind to look for innovative alternatives to solve problems, so it is important to keep creativity flowing in relation to the thought process and actions.

Manipura / Solar Plexus Chakra – Confidence

A leader may have sufficient capabilities or a great deal of experience, but if he/she cannot articulate a clear vision and strategies with the right level of confidence, it would be considered a gap in their effectiveness. It is important to have the right degree of trust and that it is evident to the team and the organization. Confidence is critical to long-term success as it keeps everyone in the organization moving in the same right direction.

Anahata / Heart Chakra – Emotional balance

As leaders, we deal with stressful times and situations, so it is very important to keep emotional balance in check and be aware of how others may perceive the expression of negative emotions. Balancing the inner self by raising the threshold of exhibiting self-control takes practice.

Vishuddha / Throat Chakra – Communication

This is one of the most critical attributes of leadership. Through clear communication, the best leaders motivate and inspire their people. We must not forget that communication is a two-way street, so leaders with good communication are also good listeners. Focusing on the inner self to continually improve communication style, behaviors, and actions that speak louder than words are critical to leadership success.

Ajna / Third Eye Chakra – Intuition

It requires the ability to think beyond what is clearly visible (the famous "Thinking outside the box") and to be able to determine the best course of action, using your best judgment.

Sahasrara / Crown Chakra – Empathy

Empathetic leaders are those who know how to listen, do not judge and have a high degree of emotional intelligence. This helps build trust and opens the door to developing mutual respect and encouragement, which is empowering.

I believe that true leadership is about evolution and continuous improvement, based on the learning we acquire. Keeping our chakras balanced can help with our personal improvement as leaders to effectively add value and inspire.

Again, I invite you to read my previous posts since for each chakra I have prepared a small meditation exercise that you can apply in your routine or when you consider it necessary. As I always mention, the most important thing is to be aware of them!

It's a pleasure to share my perspective but I think this is a back and forth so I'm always interested in learning from your experiences.


Mindful emails


Chakra #7: Leading through your knowledge