Chakra #5: Leading through the communication

It is located in the throat region and is the center of communication and creativity. Its color is bright blue and it is related to the element ether.

It is the chakra of communication, the right to speak. It is the center of mental, verbal and artistic creation, this is where our self-expression, our beliefs, our internal and external dialogue, the ability to believe and trust, planning and organization are created.

Through this Chakra we express ideas, feelings, love through verbal expression, from this is where art operates and physical manifestations appear.

Who has it very open, can fall into using the word without meaning too much, hurt another with what he says, make promises frequently broken, lie and lack of honesty, while whoever has it very close, can fall into depression. they do not express what they feel and desire, they cannot communicate their creative power, they are afraid of being judged, and all this later turns into different types of diseases.

  • Positive attitudes of this chakra: calm, expansion, peace, communicativeness, pleasant tone of voice, silence, centered.

  • Negative attitudes: boredom, inhibition, pent-up energy, inability to communicate.

This chakra in leadership

What a great experience it is to listen to leaders who are saying few words, but the right ones, the ones that inspire, the ones that engage, those words that remain echoing in your mind over and over again. It's like when you are listening to a monk, he always has the right words in the right way to say things.

I believe this is a super chakra to focus on, and I can see many examples where leaders succeed or fail due to misuse of communication. I saw great leaders, great people, who failed when they wanted to communicate their points, their way of thinking, which in reality in most cases were valid points, but they could not control the passage, and it was simple. Open like a water pipe with the valve wide open, saying so many things, sometimes offending others, sometimes yelling, sometimes just talking too much, or opening the case to too many people, and when we talked about this event, they just couldn't control yourself, as this is also where creativity is created, over-communication with a creative mind going the wrong way can be very damaging.

Recommendation Section

Now I suggest you think, how is your way of communicating with your people? Are you direct and harsh or kind? Do you communicate enough with your teams and people on a daily basis, informally or formally? Do you have the feeling you are leaving a seed in each conversation you have or is it just one more, are you telling the truth or are you just saying incoherencies? If you feel that some of this is within you, I can recommend that you follow this short meditation, in total 20-30 minutes.

Since you normally start sitting in a chair or flowing, it is important that you do not cross your legs or arms, and that you keep your spine straight, close your eyes and follow the flow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling, drop each thought and just focus on the sensation of the breath, and if your minds wonder, go back to the sensation of the sensations of the breath, and do this for the first 15 minutes.

First of all, position is very important. You can do it sitting in a chair, it is important that you do not cross your legs or arms, and that you have a straight spine.

Close your eyes and follow the flow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling. Drop each thought and just focus on the sensation of the breath. If your mind is wondering things to itself, try bringing your breath back by doing this for the first 15 minutes.

Now visualize a bright blue light in front of you, and simply breathe this light into your body and allow this blue light to gently settle within you.

Bright light gives you communication, security, creativity, liberation.

The light expands throughout the body, illuminating each cell, and you can repeat to yourself: "I express myself with prejudice, when something is not right I say it without limits, I am the most important person in my life and as this is my internal dialogue reflecting it" Do this for the next 15 minutes, you can use an alarm on your phone, just to understand how much time is going by.

When you're done with this part, slowly and gently feel your body again, listen for external sounds, and when you're ready, open your eyes!

Good luck in balancing your chakra!

I would love to read your experience if you want to share.


Chakra #6: Leading through your intuition


Chakra #4: Leading through your emotions