We are the decisions we make

Did you know that a very high percentage of the choices we make are unconscious? This means that they are based on experiences, thoughts, emotional patterns and beliefs, which are nothing more or less than neural connections that have been formed over time; that work together to carry out each activity and that are reinforced as we repeat an action.

So, our unconscious takes control of our decisions? No. These connections are not immovable since the brain has the ability to develop new connections throughout life, eliminate others and change or modulate the intensity of those that already exist. This means that we are not the result of capricious and unalterable genetics, but quite the opposite, which represents a wonderful opportunity for change.

With every decision we make or not - because “not deciding” also means making a decision - life takes a course that sometimes coincides with what we want, other times it is close and sometimes it is at the opposite end of that.

Our mind is trained to reduce the uncertainty of the future to avoid the stress and discomfort of not knowing what will happen. Therefore, it’s natural that we seek to avoid making decisions that may be difficult. However, it is precisely these decisions that can change our lives and those that have the most significant impact on our personal or professional life.

Success is not guaranteed, it requires a lot of courage and effort; However, if looking at our past does not give us the strength to make the decision, it will at least give us introspection and reflection to dispel some of the fears we have about risk.

But then, are there ways to better manage the quality of our decisions? Clearly yes. There are certain steps that can help us decide more assertively. This is a process, but not a chip that we can implement to generate decisions automatically. It involves some basic strategies that range from detoxifying the mind, through exercises as easy as meditation, implementing a basic pyramid of our personal moral values, formulating a Personal Life Project, to a strategic plan that allows us to go where we want to go.

Have you ever looked at life like a story? Every story starts with the aim of achieving a purpose, which usually lies at the end of it. Whether that purpose is achieved or not makes up the theme of that story.

When we decide to go for something, we set a goal. We could call it our major or long-term goal. In this first phase, we probably ask ourselves: what do I want? Or, what is the result I want? If we are determined, we may get going and build the path as we go, and it will turn out well. However when we do not take into account the value we seek to generate, doubts will most likely arise.

Long-term planning is not thinking about future decisions, but about the future of present decisions. Remember then that the purpose indicates the reasons why you will make a certain decision.

Taken to the workplace, why does purpose matter? 

· More profitable

· Faster decision making

· They attract the best talents

· Inspire richer innovation

· They have greater loyalty

· Receive higher customer ratings 

· They attract more investments. 

Likewise, like companies, personally, you should be clear about your purpose. Apart from making your life happier, you will be able to ensure that everything that comes into your life is aligned with what you have.

When I think of what has led me to traverse the journey I have had, I go back to the very beginning when the first seeds of a traveler were sown in me. What I didn't know at the time was that this ability to adapt to change even when it came as a surprise would serve me well in the future and become a strength as a future leader. It's essential to be flexible in decision making and be willing to alter plans, goals or actions if necessary. Change can be difficult, but it can also bring better results and possibilities

And you, do you make decisions based on your purpose?

Exciting news!

I hope this post has been useful to you. I take this opportunity to share with you that this topic is discussed in the first chapter of the first book that I am about to publish. I really feel very happy and grateful with this project that I have been working on for so long. It is not only a personal fulfillment but also a great satisfaction to be able to share with others. Stay tuned!


Find your purpose, change your life


Anger management in the workplace