Achieve your goals through visualization

If you want to be truly effective, it's not enough to organize your tasks into lists. Truly productive people think big: they have dreams and goals, and they work proactively every day to achieve them.

As we saw in the previous post, it is not enough just to think or say your goals. Remember that writing them down will help you keep them in mind and follow up. You can also reinforce by making a vision board to visualize and materialize everything you want.

What to keep in mind when setting a goal

  • What do I want to achieve?

  • What will I do to reach it?

  • How am I going to carry it out?

  • When will I do it?

  • Determine the results you want to have.

It is recommended that the objectives are short in time, simple, achievable and measurable. For example: a new car, a child, 1000 euros in savings, taking a summer vacation at sea, losing so many kilos, practicing many hours of yoga per week, per month, etc. Do not be ashamed to discuss with your partner or friends what your goals are for 2023, it may be that they make very valid and constructive comments.

Hands and subconscious to work

Once this is done, in addition to putting your plan into action, you can add a small visualization meditation to start moving the energies towards what you want. I am going to give as an example the objective of buying your first vehicle or changing the one you already have.

  • Sit comfortably in a chair, sofa, or on the floor.

  • After spending the first 15 minutes fixating your mind with your eyes closed and breathing calmly, begin to visualize your target's anchor (the new vehicle).

  • The visualization begins with the mental image of the vehicle, what it is like, what brand and color, what its interior is like. I visualize and feel the sensation of getting into the vehicle, the new smell, the soft parts of the upholstery, the hard parts of the steering wheel and the dashboard, I feel the sensation when starting the engine, I visualize myself driving on a road through the mountains or by the sea feeling the wind on your face and everything you want to imagine.

  • Breathe 3 times again

  • Stay a few minutes enjoying the visualization, and if your mind asks questions return to the goal itself.

  • When you are ready, open your eyes slowly.

If this is practiced consciously, what will happen is that this visualization will alert your subconscious, modifying it and helping this goal come true. I hope you enjoyed it!


Strengthen your memory with this technique


The importance of writing down your personal goals