Open the door to the new year

Closing cycles and being thankful predisposes us mentally, physically and emotionally to stop getting hooked on what wasn't. 

Continuing with the meditations to give thanks for the past year, today I share a meditation to open the door to the new year full of gratitude and with projections of everything we want.

Before you start, grab a pen and two sheets of paper. Find a comfortable place and if you want you can light a candle or an incense.

  • Breathe three times, inhale and exhale through the nose. If you feel that your thoughts are going to the future or the past, bring yourself back to the breath and to the present.

  • Close your eyes, begin to imagine a door with all its details, feel the texture, the temperature, its color and size. You can make the gesture of knocking on this door.

  • Turn your body as if looking back and review your year. Allow the mind to show you those pleasant moments and those that were not.

  • Open your eyes and divide a sheet into two columns. Write on one side the positive moments of the year and on the other the unpleasant ones.

  • On the same sheet, write the word "thank you" for everything you have learned and experienced. Everything that helped you grow and evolve.

  • Once the leaf is ready, you can burn it and throw it somewhere where water runs or cut it and bury it in a pot. This allows the mind to symbolically close the loop.

  • Close your eyes again and position yourself in front of that wonderful door that you visualized. Now, with less weight, feeling that everything lived in the year is gone. You already learned.

  • Open that door (you can do the actual physical movement) and enter that place that has a sign that says "2023". Once inside, close the door and inhabit that space for a few seconds.

  • Ask yourself the following: What do I want to see, hear and feel in 2023? What kind of bond do I want to have with myself and with others? What values ​​do I want to feel daily? What was useful to me from 2022 to have it as a resource? How do I want to feel physically, mentally and emotionally? What would have to happen to be my best version? What 5 micro actions can I do to achieve what I want in 2023?

  • Write down these answers on a new sheet that says: "What I do want in my 2023". Finally, visualize, feel and dream in that new space everything you deserve. Because what you believe, you create.

Thanks for reading this far and I hope you enjoyed it. You can write to me in the comments if you put into practice any of the meditations and how you felt about it or share any related experience.


Thanks 2022


Meditations to thank 2022