Meditations to thank 2022

The contributions of meditation can be used to the maximum during the New Year, a time of balances, when we usually reflect on what happened. Also, of course, when we seek to receive the New Year with the best energy.

Over the course of the week I will share with you two meditations to say goodbye to the year. I invite you to observe with love and gratitude everything lived during this time, to accept and feel without guilt, to drop the burden to make room for what is to come.

The first meditation is to embrace the passing year, so here we go.

  • Sit on the ground or in a chair, assuming a comfortable but upright posture. Let your chest be a little more open, bringing your shoulders back.

  • Close or squint your eyes and begin to focus your attention on your breath: the air going in and out. It can be in the nose, chest, abdomen, or anywhere where the sensations of the breath are clear to you.

  • Bring your attention back to the breath each time it leaves. You can do this for a few minutes, to calm the body and mind.

  • Little by little, take a tour of your year, like a bird looking at the territory from above. I recognized moments of difficulty and pain and also those of good fortune and happiness.

  • Notice what happens to you when you remember what you experienced. Do you feel that it was a good year? Or maybe a bad one? Was it a year to forget? Or one to remember? What title would you give it?

  • Giving space to however you feel, without wanting to change it, give yourself a hug. It can be internal or using your own arms.

  • Recognize that in this year you went through difficult things. Perhaps loss, pain, uncertainty or fear. Give yourself a pamper or a caress.

  • Also recognize that you must have accomplished many things. Maybe you took care of others or yourself, you were able to achieve something important or something you missed. Congratulate yourself on your achievements and celebrate the good times.

  •  Finally, give yourself a big hug, the one that no one else can give you. A hug that surrounds the whole year, with its ups and downs.

  • Take a few moments to refocus on your breath and emerge from this practice into your daily life.

Thanks for reading and I sincerely hope you have found it useful. Stay tuned for the next meditation this week!


Open the door to the new year


Stress free at the end of the year