Counting meditation for Sleeping

Have you had a hard day at work? many problems in the family? a lot of problems at home and you can't sleep? Don't worry, you are not alone in this world. Insomnia symptoms occur in approximately 33% of the world's population

It is essential that we can sleep at least 7 hours a day. People don't care much about the importance of sleep, but sleep is a time when our conscious mind turns off and our unconscious mind turns on. Many things that have happened during the day and that we have not been aware of will appear in our dreams while the conscious mind will relax and rest for a while with a positive effect on the body.

Sleeping well is a period of recovery of energy that reduces the level of stress.

Why is it important to get enough sleep?

• Get sick less often.

• Maintains a healthy weight.

• Reduces the risk of serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease.

• Reduce stress and improve your mood.

• Allows you to think more clearly and perform better in school and at work.

• Get along better with people.

Then it is super important that we can sleep and with this very short meditation technique you will see that it is becoming easier to sleep. It's called sleep counting meditation and it's as simple as counting in your head when you go to bed and put your head on the pillow.

As you inhale with your eyes closed, mentally count from 1 to 4, and then as you exhale, count from 4 to 1.

Keep repeating this and you will fall asleep easily. If your mind is drifting with a thought or a problem, simply start over by counting the number 1 on the next inhalation. Try to practice this for a couple of days and you will see the positive effect.

If you want to comment how it went and if you have the same success that I have for many years, I will be happy to know that I will be very happy to read your comments.


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