Are you a Sustainable leader?

Take action. There are many strategies you can implement to be a Sustainable Leader.

Take action. There are many strategies you can implement to be a Sustainable Leader.

As you may know, Covid 19 vaccination campaign has started and, while in certain areas of the world the rates of people who had access to the vaccine are growing rapidly, in countries with less resources and without good leadership from their politics, the rate of vaccinated people is still at a very low level. But, letting aside the Coronavirus issue, we still have a problem with us. A problem that is still far from being solved. We have to protect and take care of our Planet by implementing sustainable strategies, policies and individual actions that can make a change to reduce the Co2 emissions.

During the Pandemia, we were saved by a Global Team of Health Leaders, who were specialized in Science, vaccines, research and development, production, and thousands of professionals in saving people lives, like doctors and nurses, for example. Now we have to start focusing back again in our main burning platform, our Planet.


And for that one thing, it is important we start acting responsible. You have to see yourself as part of a new army of Sustainable Leaders. But what does a sustainable leader is? What does this kind of leader does?

There are many definitions of it however, the one I prefer – because it explains it better – is:


The Sustainable Leader (SL) can be defined as someone who is committed to protecting and sustaining the societal resources we all depend on. The leader is skilled in decision making that serve both the immediate and long term needs of the community or organization.


From this explanation you may learn that a SL is a person that everyday takes care and makes a responsible use of the resources everyone uses. This definition is not talking about the president of a nation. A sustainable leader could be you.

A key point you have to understand in order to be a SL, is the scarcity that natural resources are facing today. With this in mind, you can make choices to make a better use of resources not only for you but your family, organization or even your country too.


Sustainable leadership in companies

When leaders of businesses (often CEO’s) manage companies with environmental, society, and long-term sustainable development goals in mind, they tend to produce policies and actions to reduce the impact of pollution and Co2 emissions in the world. Often, it’s referred to as PPP, or the triple bottom line: people, planet, profit. Thus turning businesses into green companies.

As it was told before, a SL is a person who focuses on protecting the resources of the society. So it would be such a wise act to think about it and ask yourself what you are doing to protect them. We all are sharing the same resources, the ones that will be a legacy for your child, and future generations. So as a sustainable leader you have an obligation to protect them and save them.




A sustainable Leader is constantly making decisions, what is good or bad for the environment and the actions he or she will take. Sometimes this actions are not a big deal for a business or the people, but the SL clearly knows that this will be a good action for the environment and ultimately for the people leaving on it.

Yes, CEO’s have a big impact when they are talking about business decisions, but not only we have politicians and religious leaders; everyone of us, can and should now practice their Sustainability Leadership skills.

There is a big tribe of people working to improve the environment, and I personally had the great opportunity to participate in the last COP25 at Madrid on 2019, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, with one of my colleagues Catarina Paulson, representing Alfa Laval, where I observed how many Sustainable Leaders are working to reduce the CO2 emission, avoiding an environmental disaster that will affect us, more and harder than the actual Pandemic.

If you are interested in Alfa Laval’s environmental actions and policies, you can read more in its most recent sustainability report here.

You can do it!

You can be a Sustainable Leader today. Do not wait others to tell you to turn off the unnecessary light, buy products from organic origin, reduce your unnecessary air flights, reduce the use of plastic, or drive electric/hybrid cars.


I had the great experience with my previous team in Adriatic implementing some initiatives like the reduction in the use of paper and plastic and using solar panels to get clean energy. These sound as small things, but we were proud to be able to contribute with our planet.

 There is a great Netflix documentary which I recommend you to see. It is called Our Planet”. In the episodes of that documentary series you will see the beauty of our planet and the tragic consequences of not doing anything; the consequences for the oceans, the forest and the animals.

And what about you?

  • Have you seen the documentary Our Planet?

  • Are you or your company currently doing any sustainable action?

Some sources for you

United Nations Climate Change:

“Our planet” recomendation post:

Alfa Laval:

Alfa Laval’s sustainability report:


This is what Sustainable Leaders do


How to educate yourself