Abandon your script writer

Did you know that grateful people are happier and more satisfied with their lives, their friends, their family, their community and their person? They experience more hope, optimism and self-esteem and perform better in school and work.

Personally, for a long time now I have started to exercise a practice of gratitude. Every time I wake up in the morning I give thanks to everything that surrounds me, from the simple breath to the sheets I have, to the bed and clothes I have, to the room where I sleep. I feel truly blessed to have these things, I am thankful for my wife that she decides be with me every day, I am grateful for this life, for this body that allows me live this life, from my work that allows me to relate to others and grow as a person, but it is also my base for me personal and private development, I am also grateful for this planet that gives me so many things like food, rivers, mountains, oceans. I appreciate that I am and we are this planet. This is the real me, the one who is grateful.

This practice is super powerful and is done regularly because it dissolves our screenwriter who always wants to take us to the side of dislike and greed, the mind that thinks only for itself and is happy developing the ego. Stop letting your screenwriter confuse you by telling your mind that the planet's problems are none of our business because we are interdependent on each other. All of us are the planet that we have to protect and care for.

Gratitude in leadership

I have been practicing this meditation for a long time and I notice with the passage of time that I became much more grateful and aware of the people who work with me. Grateful and aware of my company, my work, my clients, my business partners, they are all part of this planet just like me and they play an important role for me, and for all that I am very thankful.

All this helped me that I be more kind and compassionate in my way of leading, and on the other hand, I can observe how many leaders especially young people driven by their own desire and ambition for growth are not able to see how many things happened around them and they lose the empathy that is necessary and fundamental to be a good leader. Gratitude is about appreciating the people behind your organization's success and recognizing the contributions they make every day.

So remember! Taking a short “gratitude walk” is a great way to take time for reflection. If you feel inclined, repeat the exercise and think about the many aspects of your life that you are also grateful for both personally and professionally.


Stress free at the end of the year


Morning yoga before work