We are earth

The Earth is the planet where all people live, the ecosystems and their health depend on us, human beings. The term Mother Earth is used for its virtue of being an abundant and diverse creation. Our physical body is earth, it is made of what we eat and drink, water, meat, vegetables, fruits, and all the foods and drinks that come out of the earth.

The Earth is the place where we live, it is our home. Over the years, society has evolved, creating new technologies and ways of life. We are proud of this evolution, but what about its external effects? The deterioration we have caused to our planet is visible. This deterioration has caused overpopulation, pollution, deforestation, overproduction, problems with biodiversity conservation and other environmental concerns.

Currently we find the worrying climate change, it is the long-term changes in temperatures. These changes may be natural through variations in the solar cycle but human activities are the main driver of climate change. and this does not only imply the consequences derived from large companies managed by human beings but also from the actions that many people carry out unconsciously or worse even consciously such as throwing garbage in the street, in public spaces, on the beaches.

As a sustainable leader, this concerns me a lot and it is urgent that we begin to take action without even being leaders but as human beings, as our own house is being destroyed. We must all be able to become aware and start from ourselves by doing things such as taking care of energy, water consumption, recycling, reusing, reducing plastic consumption and staying informed.

These days here in Brazil I was practicing something that I recommend, the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar. Not only is it a good way to start the day thanking the sun but also to thank the earth that welcomes us and keeps us balanced and balanced like the surya namaskar asanas.

Sun salutation is a sequence of yoga postures practiced at dawn to greet the sun. It is made up of 12 postures that are performed fluidly and synchronized with breathing. In the context of the connection between the human body and the earth, the sun salutation helps us connect with nature and feel part of the whole. Sun salutation postures imitate the movements of the sun throughout the day, from sunrise to sunset.

Sadhguru, an Indian mystical yogi, has said: "The sun salutation is a prayer to the earth. It is a way of thanking the earth for everything it gives us."

It is a simple but powerful practice that can help us connect with the earth and live more sustainably and, above all, consciously.

I transmit this post as a human being part of planet Earth and as a sustainable leader since in addition to my position as such, I watch and work to generate sustainable actions. It is a leadership with multiple commitments, which invites unlearning and relearning about practices and responses that oneself is unaware of. It is about transforming and creating the future.

It is a spirit, philosophy, purpose and vision that must be inevitably incorporated into the strategy of all those organizations that are committed to an innovative leadership style that constantly adds value to each task.

Starting the path towards the sustainability of our actions is to become aware in its purest form because these times really demand great transformations and we are all part of them.

I hope this post has been enriching for you. As always, it will be a pleasure to read you in the comments and I also invite you to subscribe to my newsletter to receive summaries, news and updates about my content.

Until next time!


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