My personal journey: learning to ask the right questions in the age of AI

As a technology enthusiast and constantly evolving leader, I have had the privilege of exploring the world of artificial intelligence (AI) since its inception. Let me share with you my personal journey and how I learned to ask the right questions in this exciting field.

My first encounter with AI was a spark of curiosity about a year ago wondering how the algorithms behind search engines work? What drives chatbots to understand and answer questions so quickly? These questions led me to immerse myself in tutorials, blogs and online courses, and many personal practices.

As I delved deeper into AI, I realized that it was not just about finding answers but also about asking relevant questions. AI is like a modern oracle: it can provide information, but only if we know what to ask. So here are some lessons I learned:

  • Context and clarity

Before interacting with any AI model, we must understand the context. What problem are we trying to solve? What is the specific domain? Only then can we ask meaningful questions. Avoid using ambiguous language that can be interpreted in multiple ways. Additionally, providing context can help the AI ​​system better understand your question and provide a more accurate answer. For example, if you are asking a question about a product, provide details about the product, such as its name, color, packaging, or model number

  • Spelling and Grammar

Be sure to check the spelling and grammar of your question to get more accurate answers.

  •  Creativity and empathy

Creativity and empathy are essential. How will this decision affect people? What social implications might arise? AI lacks inherent morality so it depends on our orientation.

  • Adaptability

AI is constantly evolving. Learning to adapt and ask relevant questions in a changing environment is crucial. How can we take advantage of the latest deep learning techniques? What ethical approaches should we consider?

  • Be patient

Sometimes it may take a few seconds for AI systems to process your question and provide an answer. Be patient and wait for the system to give you a response.

Remember that when the AI ​​does not have a piece of information that it needs to construct its response, it invents it and “hallucinates.” Therefore, the way the instructions are presented determines the quality of the response. These hallucinations can be a serious problem, as they can lead to incorrect or misleading results. We must be aware of this problem and take steps to reduce the risk of it occurring.

The art of questioning in the age of AI: preparing future leaders

In a world where AI has become ubiquitous, the ability to ask relevant and insightful questions is more valuable than ever. As organizations embrace AI, leaders must learn to ask the right questions to realize its full potential. Let's explore how the art of asking is transforming leadership and how some companies are educating their employees to meet this challenge.

In the past, leaders have excelled at providing quick responses and effective solutions. However, AI has changed the game and companies are highlighting the need for two crucial human skills:

• Effective interpersonal skills: the ability to communicate effectively, interact with others, and foster cooperation in teams. While AI can provide data, interpretation and communication remain human tasks.

• Domain knowledge: deeply understand the context and specific domain where AI is used. This helps workers make informed decisions when collaborating with AI tools.

It’s essential to develop a culture of training and continuous learning to engage employees in the process, focus on the relevance and usefulness of training, and regularly measure the impact of these initiatives on skill development and job performance. Below, I have followed the example of companies that recognize the importance of question formation for AI:

Udacity: iIts career-oriented educational approach provides relevant skills to stay competitive in the digital age.

DataRobot: by offering artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions, DataRobot helps businesses with data analysis and decision making.

DataCamp: develop skills in data science and programming, preparing students for the future workforce.

DeepLearning.AI: provides courses and certifications in AI and machine learning, keeping me up to date with the latest advances.

Harvard Business Review (HBR) has developed the STEP framework, emphasizing task segmentation for AI automation or augmentation, transitioning tasks between job roles, educating workers about evolving AI capabilities, and evaluating performance based on employee learning.

MSN reports on the impact of AI on education, highlighting how it is reshaping the educational landscape and existing challenges.

Forbes explores how AI changes learning, emphasizing the role of educational technology (EdTech) in enabling employees to learn new skills and adapt to new roles within companies.

These initiatives demonstrate a commitment to continued education and adaptation to technological change, preparing employees for the future of work powered by AI.

As a leader, my approach has changed. I am no longer looking for quick answers but rather revealing questions. AI will be a powerful tool, but only if we know how to use it. My journey continues and each question is a step towards understanding and innovation.

And what is your approach and experience with AI? Leave your opinion and share your experiences in the comments!


Develop your Soft Skills to differentiate yourself from AI


AI-powered well-being