G7 Summit and the control of artificial intelligence

The G7 or Group of Seven Summit is “a forum that plays an important role in shaping global responses to global challenges, and complements the global economic coordination carried out by the G20,” according to the Council of the European Union.

This year's meeting took place at the Hotel Borgo Egnazia, in the region of Apulia, Italy and brought together leaders from different parts of the world who debated topics such as: climate change and development, the Russian war against Ukraine, artificial intelligence, among others.

Italy seeks to define a regulatory, ethical and cultural framework for AI and the presence of the Pope in this session has been significant since this leader is at the center of the change of era that we are experiencing since February 2020 during the pandemic when it led to the first signing of the Rome Call for AI Ethics. A call from Pope Francis and Monsignor Paglia, from the Pontifical Academy for Life, to reflect on the incorporation of ethics in AI.

The President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, also participated in the G7 Summit session. He noted that the world is currently facing numerous challenges with an especially significant impact on the Middle East and Africa, especially in the energy sector. He emphasized the need for collective action and cooperation to address these challenges by leveraging emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, to deliver sustainable solutions in the energy sector. So, I think it would be interesting to think about the possibility that together with Pope Francis he could work to positively influence the future direction of technology.

Leadership and adaptation

Artificial intelligence is an extremely powerful, fascinating and formidable tool. Its arrival represents a true cognitive-industrial revolution that will contribute to the creation of a new social system and it has the potential to transform our society and economy. However, it also raises ethical challenges, such as privacy, security and fairness.

Leaders must consider how to protect employees from potential AI risks, which involves training, transparency, and ongoing evaluation of AI systems used in organizations. The change must be led from the adaptation of AI in organizations. This means understanding technology, anticipating challenges, and fostering a culture of learning

Ethics is a fundamental pillar in the adoption of AI so that leaders give space to balance innovation with responsibility towards their employees and society in general and promoting responsible AI are essential for a sustainable future.

What do you think about it? It will be a pleasure to read you in the comments.


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